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Estate Planning Resources

Estate Planning Articles

An estate plan acts like a roadmap for your heirs by providing directions on settling your financial and personal affairs while ensuring your wishes are honored. Educating yourself about the estate planning process now can mean the difference between clarity and confusion later. 

Creating a Comprehensive Estate Plan

What does it take to create or update your estate plan? Here's an Estate Planning Checklist to help you get started. 

Estate Planning as a Family Unit

In retirement, talk to your family as you plan your estate. Restate your values. Cover the physical and financial sides.

Yours, Mine, and Ours: Estate Strategies for Second Marriage

Second marriages are a trigger event to revisit any existing estate strategies.


Sound estate management includes creating financial and healthcare documents. Here's an inside look.

A Living Trust Primer

Living trusts are popular, but their appropriateness will depend upon your individual needs and objectives.

Critical Elements of an Estate Plan Guide

Establishing an estate strategy is crucial, yet many wait too long to put their wishes in writing. Use this helpful guide to review your estate strategy and start conversations with your loved ones, financial professionals, and legal team.

Get our Understanding Your Estate: Critical
Elements of an Estate Plan guide today: